Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cinnamon Toasters - and The Imposter

Cinnamon Toast Crunch is one of the best cereals out there when eaten dry. It probably has to be in the top 5. I am not as big of a fan of it in milk, in fact I can't remember the last time I ate it with milk because it is exponentially better dry. It is like eating an entire bowl of desert, one piece at a time, savoring every bite.

If you don't know me though, I am a guy who loves to find deals on food. Yeah, I am that fool with only 15 bags of frozen steam-in-bag vegetables in my cart because they are on sale and I will eat them....eventually. I also used to go to the store multiple times in one week and end up with about 15 boxes of instant oatmeal, 10 boxes of granola bars and 15 boxes of cereal because they were over 50% with coupons and that would last me a few months, until the next sale like that.

Of course, those sales are no more. So I look to the next best thing, off brands. Marshmallow Maties is of course, as everyone should know, much superior to Lucky Charms, and less expensive. When it comes to Cinnamon Toast Crunch off brands Malt O Meal comes through again with Cinnamon Toasters. It basically is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I can't tell a difference. Sure Cinnamon Toast Crunch holds up a little better being in a box and all, but most places Cinnamon Toasters is cheaper (At Wal-Mart check the cost per ounce, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is cheaper if you buy the right box)

So I thought since Malt O Meal nailed the taste I would give Great Value Brand Cinnamon Crunch a try to see how it stacked up. Well, lets just say it was like going for a cold drink of water from the hose after some backyard baseball and instead getting that first hot burst of water that causes you to have to spit it right back out. It was not good. Sure it was a rice cereal with some cinnamon and sugar on it, but what a joke. Wal-Mart should be ashamed of itself for selling that. It belongs over the dog food isle, assuming you don't like your dog very much. I don't think it should be that hard to copy a cereal, but somehow they really dropped the ball on this one.

So if you are looking for something a little cheaper than Cinnamon Toast Crunch, go with Malt O Meal, you won't be disappointed. DO NOT however go with Great Value Cinnamon Crunch. If you do, its your waste of time, money and a good meal.

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