Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dog Shows

So I was flipping through the channels and noticed that on ESPN was a dog show. These people walking the dogs, owning the dogs and judging the dogs actually make money. Probably very good money.

This is proof that EVERY professional athlete deserves every cent they make. Yes I said it. If people get paid to walk a dog around in a circle and to judge those dogs then Mo Vaughn deserved his $18 million to be injured all year. Carl Pavano deserved his $44 mil or whatever the yanks paid him to win 12 games or some crap like that. Brian Grant deserved to make $75,000 per minute played for blazers. Yes, every athlete deserves every cent they make because someone gets paid to judge a bunch dogs walking in circles.


  1. Watching one of those fancy dogs drop a deuce during competition is still worth more than Punto's contract.

    Plus, Best in Show is a great movie.

  2. How is that your reason. That is the worst logic I have ever heard. They get their contracts because people want to see it. Dog show people get paid because people care about dogs. Baseball players get paid because people want to watch baseball.
    Baseball players didn't just approach management one day and say "Dudes, I was watching a dog show and those people get paid. Unreal. Maybe you should start paying me? And maybe a lot more than the dog people cause baseball is way more interesting."

    You blowwwwwwwwwwwwww
