Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clinton 2012???

I like to stick with Food and Sports for the most part because they interest me more than news and I know more about them than I do politics and current events, however I am sticking with this prediction: Hilary Clinton WILL be the Democratic nominee in 2012. I said it before, and I even predicted some things that would happen to help her. Well today the Clintons took a big step forward as Bill Clinton visited North Korea and met with Kim Jan Il to discuss the release of some American Journalists. (http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-08-03-clinton-nkorea_N.htm)

Why is this important? North Korea has been very aggressive with its nuclear program and many countries are carefully watching what their every move. If Clinton can help influence KJI to stop trying to develop nuclear weapons the rest of the world will remember who did it. I believe that Americans do care what other countries think of our leaders (part of the reason I believe Obama crushed McCain instead of beating him slightly).

This could be a big step forward for the first Female Presidential Candidate.

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